
Welcome, I guess

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Confucius Lao Tzu

Hey everyone, I finally got around to actually putting in the effort of creating a hub for all of my writing. From now on, I’m going to attempt to use this blog as a means of sharing any and all writing/art I end up making.


Sharing art helps, I promise.

As I sit here procrastinating on overdue college assignments, I think about why I’m putting effort into this, like, all of this. I consistently label myself as someone who is too busy, and yet, I’ve opted into running some bizarre blog and gallery for my art?

I think sharing your art is really the most important part of it.

I know to many, that seems defeating of the point of art, and to others it just sounds a bit crass of me to say. But at the end of the day, we all express ourselves and our creativity in different ways, and part of that process is the expression, at least it should be in my eyes. Throughout these past few months I have met people from ages 17-31 who have said something along the lines of “I’m not very creative” or “Art was just never really my thing.” And although I am one to indulge on nihilism and self pity, I think that we all have some kind of creative bones in our body. It’s extremely disheartening to see people so defeated on this topic, and It’s something I’ve attempted to work on with different individuals.

I can recognize that throughout our lives we are restricted in our creative expression, but that does not mean we shouldn’t express ourselves at all! I don’t really know where I’d be without my writing, and I think that’s where a lot of people are lacking in their lives.

In the same light I know people who write, or sing, or draw and never bring it up to others, having it be some hidden talent unbeknownst to others. It’s crazy to me that people would take the time for these different talents, and wouldn’t feel compelled to bring it to others. I share my writing in a public setting for others to relate to, and I feel that writing is a process. Occasionally I’ll get feedback on something I write and those comments mean the world to me, it’s part of the reason I started this whole blog thing. We are all ever-changing, art producing machines, and I want to recognize others who may have a hard time representing themselves creatively to others.

So with saying that, I have a bit of a request of you my dear reader. Do you have art that you’d like to share? Something you worked hard on that others may or may not have seen? Send it my way, I’d love to hear not only the story behind the art but the art itself. Everyone deserves an opportunity at art, and a chance to share that art.

I think I’ll open up some kind of guest artist gallery for the site, because it all should be recognized for the work that is put into it.

Send an E-mail to KylesBrainBleed@gmail.com, and provide a story behind yourself and your art, I’d love to hear about it!


Music Influences Writing

“Well, no shit.”

– I can hear you saying mentally to yourself while reading a title like that. But, I want you to think about the last time you sat down and wrote something, whether it’s for academic or personal reasons. While thinking of that writing memory, are there any specific songs attached?

Even though the song may not have any specific relation to the writing, we oftentimes attribute music to memories to, well, make them memorable. I swear there are many songs that don’t sound the same after I listened to them while writing some shitty college essay. (Take on Me is an unfortunate casualty that comes to mind)

But other times, we hone in on music and use it as a figurative jumping off point in our writing. As of recent, I’ve been binging on The Smiths‘ music, the bizarre vocals and sometimes melancholic hits feel right at home with where I’m at in my life. Songs like Asleep, I Know It’s Over, and even the iconic There Is A Light That Never Goes Out are emblematic to how I see my own life, and this reflects within my writing.

With the writing I provided for the post, I wanted to note that I specifically had a song in mind while writing it. And although I see the parallels between what I wrote and the song I had in mind, I wonder how it would appear to an outside individual. Read this piece below.

Now after reading it, I have some questions.

  • What is your opinion on the writing?
  • Have you ever heard the song Asleep by The Smiths? If not, go listen to it.
  • Do you recognize a connection between this writing and that song?

The responses to those questions will either support the thesis I provided in this post; or completely eviscerate it.

Regardless of my own results, what are your thoughts? How has music affected your writing- if it affects it at all?


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